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Market Restaurant

938 North Blount Street, Raleigh, NC, United States

(919) 754-0900 Visit Website
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Market Restaurant


Chef Chad McIntyre Chef / Owner Chad McIntyre With over 15 years experience in the culinary field, Chef Chad McIntyre's passion is driven by a core belief in serving great food in a great atmosphere. He accomplishes this by utilizing top quality local and sustainable foodstuffs. Although not originally from North Carolina, he has been a huge advocate of using what is local and in season. This is not limited to the standard fare in most people's daily eating habits. His dishes take hold of some of the lesser know foods, and elevate them to noteworthy status. This forces him to become adaptable in many different styles of cooking to reflect the seasonal availability of the menu. At the center of his cooking is a foundation of family, community, and responsibility. Chad holds strong to the truth that food unifies all of these. Growing up in South Louisiana allowed Chad exposure to a huge culinary community. His family has been hunting and fishing the Gulf Cost for several generations. This has created a respect of the land that he accredits his total use of any product in the restaurant. When asked where he attended culinary school, he is likely to reply "The best culinary school. A Louisiana kitchen table". Being part of a large family has instilled a sense of family and community that he finds easily to see in local farming and fishing of North Carolina. Over the past few years, he has forged friendships with local farmers whom have given him access to some of the best product produced. Chad's goal of becoming a more sustainable restaurateur has been the highlight in his most recent project. Market Restaurant is striving to produce as little waste as possible, all the while consuming only what is only absolutely needed to keep the highest level of quality. The idea is for patrons to be able to become informed on how the food gets from the farm to the plate. He wants his guests to not just look at Market as a great place to eat, but also as a place to unplug and reconnect.

Market Restaurant

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Market Restaurant

Hours & Map

  • Sunday
    8:00am - 9:00pm
  • Monday
    8:00am - 9:00pm
  • Tuesday
    8:00am - 9:00pm
  • Wednesday
    8:00am - 9:00pm
  • Thursday
    8:00am - 9:00pm
  • Friday
    8:00am - 9:00pm
    8:00am - 9:00pm
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Market Restaurant