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Zely & Ritz

301 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, NC, United States

(919) 828-0018 Visit Website
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Zely & Ritz


Zely & Ritz is all about fresh, organic, locally grown dishes. The food is beautifully presented, intensely flavorful and simply delicious. Chef Sarig uses local organic ingredients in unexpected ways to create fantastic culinary works of art. What makes Zely & Ritz so special is that over half of our ingredients come from our farm, Coon Rock Farm. We are the only local restaurant that has its own farm delivering fresh produce and meats every day. Coon Rock Farm is a sustainable family farm in Hillsborough, NC that provides us with organically grown heirloom vegetables and heritage breed pasture-raised meat and eggs. Our vegetables are never chemically treated and our livestock is humanely raised and antibiotic and hormone free. The food we grow and serve is raised simply and sustainably and we make every effort to take care of the land that takes such good care of us. We also support and buy from over 50 other local farmers. We believe that good food is important and that where you eat and what you eat is a choice that affects not only your personal well-being but also that of the planet. We are passionate about providing our customers with the best possible choices in good, healthy, and delicious food.

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