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Siempre Bicycle Cafe

162 Dumbarton Road

0114 3342385 Visit Website
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Siempre Bicycle Cafe


An independent urban bicycle cafe that rides bikes, drinks coffee and makes really good locally sourced, tasty food. The workshop is run by mechanics who will fix all your bike woes from pesky punctures to vintage restoration projects. Also provide a range of bikes, distinctive cycle clothing and accessories. The space is great for live events and can be rented out for functions. Oh and organic, local and vegan wines, spirits and beer; yum yum organic vodka!

Siempre Bicycle Cafe

Menu & Featured Items

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Siempre Bicycle Cafe

Hours & Map

  • Tuesday
    10:00am - 4:00pm
  • Wednesday
    10:00am - 4:00pm
  • Thursday
    10:00am - 4:00pm
  • Friday
    10:00am - 4:00pm
  • Saturday
    10:00am - 4:00pm
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Siempre Bicycle Cafe

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Siempre Bicycle Cafe

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Siempre Bicycle Cafe