The more I learn about conventional farming and ranching practices, the more disturbed I am. There seems to be no limit to the harm that big agri-business will do to farmers, animals, and consumers in order to improve their bottom line. That’s why I’m making it a priority in 2013 to do more to make a change. Part of that is knowing a little more about what I eat and where it comes from. Another big part of that goal will happen through!
Ultimately, change in our food practices won’t come through legislation alone. We all saw how Proposition 37, which would have required the labeling of all genetically modified food, failed last November in California. Change will come when consumers begin to prefer organic, sustainably farmed, responsibly raised food. Change will come when we hit the big businesses where it hurts- their revenue.
I honestly think more people would buy organic food not just at the grocery store, but at the restaurants they patronize, if they only knew where to spend their money. My hope for this newly launched website is that it sparks a grassroots change in communities across the country. I know that’s a big goal, but it’s possible when many people chip in. We may each be individuals, but we can make a big impact when we, together, change our habits as consumers.
So I’m asking for your help today. has the potential to become a powerful part of this change, but we need you – our users – to contribute! Today, you have the chance to join in at the ground level of this new project and share with your community. It doesn’t take much; just a few minutes to create a free account and you can start submitting your favorite organic restaurants and places. You can also look through our current listings and provide any feedback and reviews for places you’ve been.
You know your favorite restaurants, juice bars, tea and coffee shops, grocery stores, and farmers markets. Chances are, you even know the employees or owners of some of these places. You probably brag on them whenever you get the chance, because you know good food and good people deserve attention.
Sharing your favorite organic places on is simply a way to brag about them to a bigger audience. It’s a great way to send consumers to the most deserving businesses and help them grow and prosper. And, in the bigger picture, it’s a great way to promote organic food and start to make a dent in a system that supports food practices that are damaging to farmers, consumers, and the environment.
Here’s what you can do right now:
- Create a free account on It’s quick and easy, and we promise never to sell or share your personal information.
- Browse through the listings for your area, and add your feedback on places you’ve been. This can be relevant to the quality of the food, the cleanliness of the location, the service… whatever!
- See that little green button at the top right of each listing page that says, “Suggest a Restaurant”? Click it, and tell us about your favorite organic, vegan, gluten-free, or other special interest restaurant or place. Come one, I know you’ve got one!
- Share us with your friends on facebook and twitter. The more people in our community, the more our directory will grow, and the bigger impact we can make.
Thanks for helping us make an organic start to 2013, and being part of something big!
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