These days, American consumers have become extremely savvy about buying healthy foods. However, there are so many terms that are used to label food products that even the most educated shopper can become confused. Terms like “aall-natural,” “cage-free,” “certified humane,” and “organic,” can leave you scratching your head, wondering what the best choice really is. That’s why we’ve created a guide of some of the most common organizations that label and certify products according to individual standards of excellence. Each of these organizations has stringent regulations for farmers and manufacturers to comply with, so that they can receive the certification and labeling that suits them the best.
And the real winner is YOU – the consumer! When you know what practices go into a special certification, you’re in the best position to choose the healthiest products for yourself and your family. You’ll also be in the driver’s seat helping to advocate for healthier foods at restaurants and stores. Talk to the General Manager of your favorite restaurant or store and let them know that you’d like them to offer foods that are certified organic, have sustainable agricultural practices, or treat their animals with humane and kind living conditions. Managers listen to their customers and want to keep them coming back, so don’t be shy – stand up for what you believe in and promote healthy living!
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