If you invite people over for a dinner party, you need to make sure that the organic food dishes served are something that they can eat. It would be pretty rude to invite vegans or vegetarians to an event where they couldn’t eat anything!
Fortunately, adding some vegan and vegetarian dishes to your cooking repertoire isn’t that difficult. You might even discover some new items that any omnivore or meat-eater can also love.
Vegan Tacos
There are plenty of ways to go vegan on Taco Tuesday. You can try out vegetable substitutions, like cauliflower, or flavorful, high-protein ingredients like lentils. There are many different options out there, so experiment and find a recipe you like, and then show it off when your vegan friends come over.
Jackfruit is becoming a popular meat alternative. It can be shredded so that it looks and feels much like pulled pork or chicken. With the right seasonings, this delicious fruit can be right at home at any barbecue or picnic.
An Assortment of Vegetables
There are plenty of delicious ways to prepare vegetables for a dinner party or event. You can go with a variety of roasted vegetables, changing things up with some less common ingredients like parsnips. There are also different types of βfries” you can make, like zucchini fries or beet fries, that are perfect for more laid-back events. Just look up some recipes and you’ll be sure to find plenty of great options
Vegan Pot Pies
Most associate pot pies with meat, but there are plenty of ways to shake up these recipes and make them with vegan ingredients instead. You can even make smaller pies, so everyone can have their own. Carnivores can stick with traditional meat pies, but any vegans who come to dinner will appreciate the extra effort you went to accommodate their dietary restrictions. Plus, vegan pies can be so good that even non-vegan guests might want to give them a try!
Brussel Sprouts
These are a filling side that can be prepared in so many ways. They can be roasted or grilled, and they go great with many different types of seasoning. Find a recipe or experiment on your own, and you’ll have a dish that appeals to vegans and omnivores alike.
New Takes on Potatoes
You can also take dinner staples and make them new again with different preparations and ingredients. Instead of baked potatoes or sweet potatoes, why not try out sweet potato fries, garlic mashed potatoes, or other takes on these classic side dishes? You can even get fancy with aesthetically pleasing preparation methods. Hassleback potatoes, with their crispy outsides and unique, thin-cut design, are a great option here.
For More Vegan-Friendly Dishes
Visit the Organic Restaurants website if you want to learn more about vegan eating and how you can make sure that every guest at your events has something delicious to eat. We’ll help you find new recipes, organic take-out places, and everything else you’re looking for.
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