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Burger Lounge

528 5th Avenue, San Diego, CA, United States

(619) 955-5727 Visit Website
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Burger Lounge


Grass-Fed Beef├ö├ç┬¬ Local Produce├ö├ç┬¬ Living Green├ö├ç┬¬ Modern Digs├ö├ç┬¬ Beginning in La Jolla, 2007, Burger Lounge grew out of the idea that a hamburger should not only taste great, it should also utilize healthy ingredients produced in a sustainable environment. We provide a simple premium quality menu that appeals to health conscious diners, vegetarians, salad lovers and diners simply ├ö├ç├ÿhankering for a great hamburger├ö├ç├ÿ. The future at Burger Lounge is bright and forward thinking. As a fast growing restaurant start-up, we represent a new take on an industry that has long suffered from poor quality over processed food products and inadequate guest service. We implement these ideals and positive environmental practices as we open new locations in great neighborhoods. Read More Ôö¼Ôòù Our business model represents the bridge between bloated corporate ├ö├ç┬úfast food├ö├ç├ÿ culture and the ├ö├ç┬úless is more, quality is everything├ö├ç├ÿ approach. Simply put, we do a common thing, uncommonly well. It├ö├ç├ûs time to Lounge. We support and encourage Lounge Diversity. Be it a full-on burger-fries-shake splurge, or a cool tossed salad and sparkling water midday meal, Burger Lounge answers the mood and the appetite. We also love creating ways for your experience as a Lounger to be even better. Elevating the hamburger to an art form is on the front burner, always. Grass-fed beef, game, poultry and veggie options open endless possibilities. Plus more locations to bring the Lounge to you, offsite catering with Burger Lounge Mobile, hot schwag and loungewear. When we feed our loungers, we put a lot of thought behind it. Our unwavering commitment to guest services proves itself by turning guests into regulars. It is the people in our organization that make this possible. At Burger Lounge, our ├ö├ç┬úguest first├ö├ç├ÿ philosophy, premium quality products and our environmentally responsible approach represent the future of the fast-casual market sector. As we grow, we continue to seek partners with like-minded ideas. Many Burger Lounges later, we maintain our commitment to quality and our quest to elevate the burger. We have stayed company owned. We use local ingredients, organic produce, regional suppliers and express respect to community. Keep your meals close and your burgers grass-fed.

Burger Lounge

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Burger Lounge

Hours & Map

  • Sunday
    10:30am - 11:00pm
  • Monday
    10:30am - 11:00pm
  • Tuesday
    10:30am - 11:00pm
  • Wednesday
    10:30am - 11:00pm
  • Thursday
    10:30am - 11:00pm
    12:00am - 2:00am
    10:30am - 3:00am
  • Saturday
    10:30am - 3:00am
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Burger Lounge

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Burger Lounge