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Smell The Bread Cafe

3482 Clark Rd Sarasota

(941) 922-4515 Visit Website
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Smell The Bread Cafe


To inspire healthy compassionate lifestyles by providing our customers with the freshest quality natural products produced in an ecologically responsible way. We are a Dairy & Egg Free Establishment. Promoting the Vegan LifestyleThere are many health, social, moral and environmental reasons to go vegan. We encourage and support this lifestyle in more ways than one. All of our breads, pastries, soups, sauces, burgers, ect.. are made without any animal bi-products. The only animal product we carry is Humanely Raised Chicken Breast, and it can be subbed for tempeh to make our entire menu VEGAN.

Smell The Bread Cafe

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Smell The Bread Cafe