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The Wooden Monkey

1707 Grafton St, Halifax, NS, Canada

(902) 444-3844 Visit Website
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The Wooden Monkey


Our success is due to our amazing staff which had to learn some pretty different things 9 years ago . like organics, fair-trade, Monsanto, factory farming, fish farms, gluten, nut and wheat allergies. Celiac disease.. and the list goes on and on . and the learning still continues for us all. The Wooden Monkey strives to support and help grow a healthier, local, sustainable food system here in Nova Scotia. We welcome you to join us in learning and tasting the amazing benefits you receive while supporting your local farmers. This new direction we are all working towards helps all the vital ecosystems on this planet. While growing our local economy we can feed our neighbors and support all the cleaner technology to help bring this world to a better, safer place. We were committed to a vision of supporting as many organic and local farmers as we can by purchasing ALL our beef, chicken, pork, and lamb from NS only. And that commitment stands strong to this day. We currently purchase from 18 local farms and are proud of this growth! Please check out all our suppliers on our website. There is a global awakening happening everywhere in this world and we have a name for this movementThe Green Tsunami! Its the largest, self-organizing movement this planet has ever known. Its people like us joining together for a better world and healthier future for our children. We welcome you to join us at our tablesavor the tastes of Nova Scotia and enjoy real food  guaranteed the freshest youll ever experience! Youll not only leave totally satisfied that you just ate a delicious meal, youll leave knowing you made a difference to your local farmers and fishermenknowing that it does take a village and when we stop looking beyond our borders to sustain us and look to each other locally, it is amazing what we can accomplish. To all our local farmers and fishermenI say Cheers! And Thanks!!

The Wooden Monkey

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The Wooden Monkey

Hours & Map

  • Sunday
    11:30am - 9:00pm
  • Monday
    11:30am - 9:00pm
  • Tuesday
    11:30am - 9:00pm
  • Wednesday
    11:30am - 9:00pm
  • Thursday
    11:30am - 9:00pm
    11:30am - 10:00pm
  • Saturday
    11:30am - 10:00pm
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The Wooden Monkey

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The Wooden Monkey

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The Wooden Monkey