Coffee Menu
Latin American & Caribbean Coffees

Santo Domingo Fedecares $13.99
Santo Domingo Fedecares without a doubt, the dominican is the most popular dark roast in the expansive coffee exchange dark-roast repertoire. it is roasted at two different dark roasts, brewed straight and as a main or secondary ingredient in several blends. the rich savory french roast has a dedicated following and brews a big, sharp, full-bodied flavor with a cherry-like aftertaste. the espresso roast brews up similarly intense and rich and sweet, with what some describe as a musky and velvety finish.

Santo Domingo Fedecares $13.99
Santo Domingo Fedecares without a doubt, the dominican is the most popular dark roast in the expansive coffee exchange dark-roast repertoire. it is roasted at two different dark roasts, brewed straight and as a main or secondary ingredient in several blends. the rich savory french roast has a dedicated following and brews a big, sharp, full-bodied flavor with a cherry-like aftertaste. the espresso roast brews up similarly intense and rich and sweet, with what some describe as a musky and velvety finish.

Guatemalan Chajul $13.99
Guatemalan Chajul a sweet aroma and mellow chocolaty flavor with a round clear cup, this classic coffee exchange offering keeps its spicy edge in the american roast and manages to stand up to the french roast with an exciting smoky aftertaste.

Guatemalan Chajul $13.99
Guatemalan Chajul a sweet aroma and mellow chocolaty flavor with a round clear cup, this classic coffee exchange offering keeps its spicy edge in the american roast and manages to stand up to the french roast with an exciting smoky aftertaste.

Peruvian $13.99
Peruvian the peruvian french roast is often described as straight-ahead, big, round, full-bodied, and nutty and with a pronounced and surprising smoky aftertaste.

Costa Rican $14.49
Costa Rican with a sharp, sweet taste and a medium bodied hint of chocolate, this winey vienna roast offers up a unique and striking contrast to other latin american coffees.

Colombian Fondo Paez $13.99
Colombian Fondo Paez sweet, mellow, even caramelly, with a complex, fruity/winey acidity, rich and creamy body, great balance, and a long, clean aftertaste. a cup of this coffee reminds you why they've been calling the taste of colombian coffee "classic coffee taste" all these years.

Colombian Fondo Paez $13.99
Colombian Fondo Paez sweet, mellow, even caramelly, with a complex, fruity/winey acidity, rich and creamy body, great balance, and a long, clean aftertaste. a cup of this coffee reminds you why they've been calling the taste of colombian coffee "classic coffee taste" all these years.

Brasileiro Poco Fundo $13.99
Brasileiro Poco Fundo medium-bodied, but with an inexplicably elegant combination of nut and citrus flavor, this hugely popular dark roast is polished off with a subtle dry finish.

Mexican Chiapas Yachil $13.49
Mexican Chiapas Yachil with a mellow, sweet, nutty flavor this big, round mexican coffee satisfies at both the full city roast with its chocolate/cinnamon aftertaste and the french roast with its surprisingly soft and almost velvety finish.

Mexican Chiapas Yachil $13.49
Mexican Chiapas Yachil with a mellow, sweet, nutty flavor this big, round mexican coffee satisfies at both the full city roast with its chocolate/cinnamon aftertaste and the french roast with its surprisingly soft and almost velvety finish.

Bolivian Yungas $15.99
Bolivian Yungas dark. very dark. intense and deep. the bolivian yungas has a heavy, full-bodied, mellow nutty flavor and satisfying taste, a soft acidity and great balance, topped off with a surprising semi-sweet finish.

Nicaraguan Cecocafen $13.49
Nicaraguan Cecocafen the american roast is intense, with a medium-to-full body and some terrific spicy flavors. the french roast will surprise you with its heavy, smoky, yet fruity richness. this coffee cries out for recognition, just like the people who harvest it struggle to survive, facing life's unfairness with characteristic - almost cultural - optimism.

Nicaraguan Cecocafen $13.49
Nicaraguan Cecocafen the american roast is intense, with a medium-to-full body and some terrific spicy flavors. the french roast will surprise you with its heavy, smoky, yet fruity richness. this coffee cries out for recognition, just like the people who harvest it struggle to survive, facing life's unfairness with characteristic - almost cultural - optimism.
African Organic, Fair Trade Coffees

Ethiopian Oromia Yrgacheffe $14.49
Ethiopian Oromia Yrgacheffe where other coffees are earthy or winey or fruity or smoky, the ethiopian yrgacheffe is complex, with an "all the above" quality that makes simple description complicated. full bodied with a sweet, fruity aroma, a rich, sweet, mellow flavor and a long, velvety aftertaste, the yrgacheffe makes for an outstanding, well balanced, exciting and satisfying cup of coffee.

Ethiopian Oromia Yrgacheffe $14.49
Ethiopian Oromia Yrgacheffe where other coffees are earthy or winey or fruity or smoky, the ethiopian yrgacheffe is complex, with an "all the above" quality that makes simple description complicated. full bodied with a sweet, fruity aroma, a rich, sweet, mellow flavor and a long, velvety aftertaste, the yrgacheffe makes for an outstanding, well balanced, exciting and satisfying cup of coffee.

Ugandan Peaberry Gumutindo $14.99
Ugandan Peaberry Gumutindo very heavy, full bodied yet a little smoky, with an "edge" - if not downright attitude - and a curious winey yet complex flavor, with that you've come to expect from an african peaberry.
Pacific Rim & South Pacific Coffees

Papua New Guinea $14.49
Papua New Guinea light, lemony, crisp and clear, this coffee is straight ahead and yet big and bold in its own light-roasted way. coffee from papua new guinea approaches sumatran full bodied mouth-feel, but with a dry, winey flavor and a smooth, lemony finish.

Sumatra Gayo Mountain $15.99
Sumatra Gayo Mountain sweet earthy aromatics, sumatra has a well deserved reputation as a full bodied and syrupy coffee with sweet, soft acidity and distinct fruity and earthy characteristics. while the full city roast certainly mirrors this reputation, the french roast goes further with that heavy body and semi-sweet earthiness you'd expect from sumatra.

Sumatra Gayo Mountain $15.99
Sumatra Gayo Mountain sweet earthy aromatics, sumatra has a well deserved reputation as a full bodied and syrupy coffee with sweet, soft acidity and distinct fruity and earthy characteristics. while the full city roast certainly mirrors this reputation, the french roast goes further with that heavy body and semi-sweet earthiness you'd expect from sumatra.
Organic, Fair Trade Decaf Coffees

Narragansett Blend $13.99
Narragansett Blend this is our official "house blend, " served every day at the coffee exchange for over 20 years. a blend of caribbean and south american organic fair trade coffee beans combines to brew a light, smooth, mellow cup with medium body, a distinct, tangy flavor and a long, soft aftertaste.

Breakfast Blend $13.89
Breakfast Blend with slightly more dark roast in the blend than in the narragansett blend, breakfast blend tends to be fuller bodied but with a medium bodied smokiness that satisfies, any time of day or night. certainly not just for breakfast anymore.

Wickenden Street Blend $13.89
Wickenden Street Blend with its earthly high tones accenting a sophisticated taste that is both spicy and creamy, and with its old world hint of dark roast, this blend will remind you of the feel and charm of wickenden street in providence complex and lively, full of the joy of community, and reminiscent of those special moments when everything seems to come together.

San Francisco Bay Blend $13.89
San Francisco Bay Blend this is our darkest blend, yet many longstanding followers (and there are many, the largest following of any of our blends) praise it for its smoothness. it's so smooth, that any new customer looking for a "smooth' blend could be directed to san francisco bay blend, regardless of whether she or he is looking for a light or dark coffee experience. if you like "smooth" coffee - with a distinct spicy / musky aftertaste - you'll love san francisco bay.

Mocha Java Blend $13.89
Mocha Java Blend the "original coffee blend" combines ethiopian mocha (with its characteristic earthiness and complex flavors) and indonesian "java" (characterized by full body, big round straight-ahead mellow and fruity flavors) to form "a more perfect union." the internationally famous and historically significant mocha java: rich, sweet, complex, earthy and more.

Santa Fe Blend $13.89
Santa Fe Blend this rich, dark blend of african, latin american and indonesian beans combines tangy zest with a warm, mellow sophistication.

Cochabamba Blend $13.89
Cochabamba Blend our first totally organic blend, combining a slightly sweet flavor with a medium body and pleasant aftertaste.

Kid From Brooklyn Blend $15.89
Kid From Brooklyn Blend this combination of exotic indonesian coffees, hearty south american coffees and a dash of african coffees creates what can only be described as a spunky bohemian spirit. more than a hint of mocha is added to spark the kid in all of us.

Kind Of Blue Blend $15.49
Kind Of Blue Blend we add blends to our repertoire so seldom we can't remember the last one. this one is special. if you like the rich, satisfying flavor of jamaican blue mountain, or if you've never had it because of the cost (roughly $50.00 a pound "on the street") but would love to try some. well, do we have a blend for you!

Cafe Tikal Blend $13.99
Cafe Tikal Blend named for the ancient mayan city, this totally organic blend is full-bodied and rich, and not so smoky as either of its light and dark roasted guatemalan ingredients.

Matagalpa Blend $12.99
Matagalpa Blend this dark and heavy blend is made from american and french roasted nicaraguan coffees from matagalpa. the american roast is smoky with great body and complexity. the french roast adds a good deal of smokiness. if you enjoy experimenting with the dark side, you'll love matagalpa.

Coffee Exchange Espresso Blend $14.89
Coffee Exchange Espresso Blend we're proud of the coffee exchange espresso blend, a unique blend of dark-roasted african and asian coffees that stands up to the rigors of espresso. it maintains that great crema with heady full body and robust intense flavor, and yet still provides that sweet, satisfying redolent espresso experience you'll love to remember.

Full House Blend $15.89
Full House Blend big and bold, yet somehow slyly smooth and smoky, musky, full bodied with stay alert flavor, this blend was designed to provide that feeling of a caffeine jolt without the jitters. with the full house blend, you don't need to draw to fill an inside straight to be a winner every time.

Mel's Private Stock Decaf Blend $15.99
Mel's Private Stock Decaf Blend during the late '70s, early '80s mel, rose, charlie and bill fishbein were in another (cookware) business. we sold coffee by the bean, but there wasn't a whole lot of decaf available. all the decaf that was available seemed to taste like decaf. and sanka. so with a couple of chemex automatics, a half dozen clipboards, and a supply of what was available in swiss water process process decaffeinated coffees, mel began blending coffee in his basement. the goal: find a decaf that tasted like "real" coffee. the result, (after five years of testing): mels private stock - decaffeinated. mel's has been our decaf house blend ever since, brewed daily for a quarter century at coffee exchange.
Organic, Fair Trade Decaf Coffees

Decaf Honduran $15.99

Decaf Honduran $15.99

Mel's Private Stock Decaf Blend $15.99
Mel's Private Stock Decaf Blend during the late '70s, early '80s mel, rose, charlie and bill fishbein were in another (cookware) business. we sold coffee by the bean, but there wasn't a whole lot of decaf available. all the decaf that was available seemed to taste like decaf. and sanka. so with a couple of chemex automatics, a half dozen clipboards, and a supply of what was available in swiss water process process decaffeinated coffees, mel began blending coffee in his basement. the goal: find a decaf that tasted like "real" coffee. the result, (after five years of testing): mels private stock - decaffeinated. mel's has been our decaf house blend ever since, brewed daily for a quarter century at coffee exchange.

Decaf Peruvian $15.49
Decaf Peruvian the peruvian is often described as straight-ahead, big, round, full-bodied, and nutty.the american roast is rich and satisfying, while the french surprises you with its lingering smoky aftertaste. swiss water process (swp).

Decaf Peruvian $15.49
Decaf Peruvian the peruvian is often described as straight-ahead, big, round, full-bodied, and nutty.the american roast is rich and satisfying, while the french surprises you with its lingering smoky aftertaste. swiss water process (swp).

Decaf Peruvian $15.49
Decaf Peruvian the peruvian is often described as straight-ahead, big, round, full-bodied, and nutty.the american roast is rich and satisfying, while the french surprises you with its lingering smoky aftertaste. swiss water process (swp).

Decaf Ethiopian Oromia Yrgacheffe $15.99
Decaf Ethiopian Oromia Yrgacheffe where other coffees are earthy or winey or fruity or smoky, the ethiopian yrgacheffe is complex, with an "all the above" quality that makes simple description complicated. full bodied with a sweet, fruity aroma, a rich, sweet, mellow flavor, and a long, velvety aftertaste, the yrgacheffe makes for an outstanding, well balanced, exciting and satisfying cup of coffee.

Decaf Hazelnut $15.99
Decaf Hazelnut swiss water process (swp) decaffeinated coffee.
Flavored Coffees

Decaf Hazelnut $15.99
Decaf Hazelnut swiss water process (swp) decaffeinated coffee.

Hazelnut $14.99
Tea Menu
Herbal Tea

Echinacea Sunshine $2.50
Echinacea Sunshine this lemon and mint flavored blend is specially crafted to boost your immune system, a delicious way to stay healthy any time of the year. ingredients: organic echinacea angustifolia (root, leaf, and flower), organic lemon peel, lemon verbena, organic ginkgo leaf, organic rosehips, and organic spearmint leaf.

Ginger Get Go $2.50
Ginger Get Go a stimulating, tingling, and tantalizing trio! gotu kola, an important ayervedic medicine, aids meditation and focus - it also clears toxins and improves healing and immunity. ginger, a versatile stimulant, aids digestion and circulation. ginkgo enhances mental alertness, circulatory health, and has high antioxidant activity. ingredients: ginger, gotu kola, and ginkgo.

Lemon Appeal $2.50
Lemon Appeal lemon appeal gets its complex lemon flavors from the blending of lemon verbena, lemon grass, and lemon peel, and its subtle sweet undertones from spearmint and lavender. ingredients: lemon verbena, organic hibiscus, organic spearmint, organic lemon peel, organic lemongrass, and organic lavender.

Peppermint Alfalfa $1.60
Peppermint Alfalfa uplifting and invigorating to both mind and spirit, packed with nutrients, but soothing to the stomach, peppermint is a wonderful after dinner tea. ingredients: peppermint, and alfalfa.

Rooibos $1.60
Rooibos fermented "red tea" from south africa with a sweet taste and fruity nose, rooibos relaxes at night and stimulates during the day. rooibos is a powerful antioxidant, eases headaches, irritability, nervous tension, insomnia, and digestive problems. containing many minerals, rooibos is known in japan as long life tea. ingredients: rooibos.

Serene $2.00
Serene a calming blend of soothing herbs made exclusively for coffee exchange. ingredients: organic chamomile, organic lemon verbena, organic peppermint, jasmine flowers, organic lemon grass, organic lavender, and organic peach-flavored rooibos.

Yerba Mate $2.00
Yerba Mate tired of getting tweaked on coffee but dig the buzz? try some yerba mate! yerba mate is a cultural phenomenon throughout south america. in addition to its unique flavor, it contains ingredients that keep its drinkers healthy. yerba mate energizes, strengthens, and rejuvenates the body, stimulates mental alertness, relieves stress, fortifies the immune system and helps to control appetite. it contains antioxidants, 24 vitamins and minerals, and 15 amino acids.
Green Teas

Gunpowder Green Tea $2.50
Gunpowder Green Tea tightly rolled pellets of green tea which "bloom" gracefully in hot water.

Jasmine Gold $4.50
Jasmine Gold this steamed green tea is blended with fresh jasmine blossoms in a traditional process. the green tea absorbs the natural jasmine essential oil and imparts a sweet, heady fragrance of jasmine in every cup. (steep 2-3 minutes in 180 water) origin: china.

Matcha Green Tea Powder $10.00
Matcha Green Tea Powder matcha is made of finely powdered green tea leaves which dissolve into water. because the entire tea leaf is consumed, matcha is more healthy than any other tea. it is rich in cancer fighting antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Black Teas

Darjeeling $4.00
Darjeeling darjeeling, a region of india nestled on the foothills of the himalayas, produces some of the finest teas in the world. this single estate, autumnal flush darjeeling tea produces a coppery gold liquor with a fresh, sweet nose and sparkling quality. (steep 3-5 min) origin: india.

Ceylon $4.00
Ceylon ceylon teas are from the island country of sri lanka, situated south of india in the indian ocean. ceylon teas tend to be strong, full-bodied and very fragrant. (steep 3-5 min.) origin: india.

English Breakfast $3.00
English Breakfast a selection of the finest korakunda estate teas harmoniously blended to produce a robust and invigorating tea with a beautiful amber color.

Golden Tip Assam $4.00
Golden Tip Assam this 2nd flush tea is smooth yet full bodied with the tremendous flavor you expect from a good assam. (steep 3-5 min) origin: india.

Irish Breakfast $3.00
Irish Breakfast a strong full-bodied blend. this irish breakfast brews up a deep red liquor that is delicious plain or with milk and sugar. (steep 3-5 min) origin: india.

Apricot $3.50
Apricot nilgiri tealeaves gorgeously scented with natural apricot essence.

Blueflower Earl Grey $3.50
Blueflower Earl Grey a twist on a classic. blue cornflowers are gently tossed with orange pekoe tealeaves scented with bergamot oil. bergamot, an oddly shaped citrus fruit, gives earl grey its flowery and sweet citrus flavor. (steep 3-5 min)

Mango Ceylon $1.75
Mango Ceylon premium ceylon tealeaves infused with mango essence and gently tossed with calendula petals. luscious with the heady aroma of ripe mangos. origin: india.

Lapsang Souchong $1.50
Lapsang Souchong this special smoked tea has a distinctive flavor and a smooth, crisp character with the remarkable and heady aroma of a pine and oak wood fire.

Decaf Earl Grey $1.50
Decaf Earl Grey decaf earl grey is decaffeinated using the chemical free swiss water process (swp), removing 98% of caffeine.

Decaf English Breakfast $1.50
Decaf English Breakfast decaf earl grey is decaffeinated using the chemical free swiss water process (swp), removing 98% of caffeine.

White Teas - Peony White Tea $3.75
White Teas - Peony White Tea produced in zhenghe, china, this white tea has a unique bamboo fragrance and subtle, nutty taste with long lasting, sweet lingering and wild herbaceous notes. (steep 2-3 min in 200 water.) origin: china.

Oolong Teas - Amber Dragon Oolong Tea $3.50
Oolong Teas - Amber Dragon Oolong Tea a darker, more oxidized oolong with darjeeling tea-like qualities and touches of honey and ripe fruit flavors.
Chai Teas

Chai Tea $2.75
Chai Tea a perfect blend of premium, fair trade black tea and traditional chai spices.

Spicy Chai Tea $2.75
Spicy Chai Tea our irie chai with lots of extra black pepper!

Herbal Chai Tea $2.75
Herbal Chai Tea a special caffeine free chai blend blend made exclusively for coffee exchange.