Do you find your mouth watering as you sit at your desk thinking about how Thanksgiving is only a week away? All those mashed potatoes, the sweet cranberry sauce, the warm, buttery biscuits and most importantly, that turkey! But before you head to the grocery store to purchase your bird, consider purchasing an organic turkey this holiday.
One of the great benefits of purchasing an organic turkey is that they are free of antibiotics. Doctors, especially pediatricians, have become increasingly concerned about the overuse of antibiotics on animals and its effects on the human body. The continued use of antibiotics in farmed animals can cause a rise in antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This type of bacteria can spread from farms to humans through contaminated food. Organic poultry is less likely to contain this type of bacteria.
Furthermore, when you buy organic, you’re supporting the farmers who don’t use these drugs and help preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics in humans. In addition, organic turkeys are usually fed organic feed and have access to the outdoors. Thus, they are usually raised in better, more natural conditions. Just look for the USDA ORGANIC label or “No Antibiotics” when searching for that perfect turkey.
While you’re there, you might as well purchase organic vegetables to cook up this holiday season too. Along with poultry, fruits and vegetables are a high priority when it comes to choosing organic. You’ll minimize your exposure, as well as your guests’, to fertilizers and pesticides. Check out our other blog post on the 10 Best Foods to Buy Organic.
Happy Turkey Day!
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